
If you are a woman with a disability it is free for you to be a member of Women With Disabilities WA Inc

Please fill out the form below or call 6460 7540 and we can fill it out for you.
Or download the word document version. Membership Form Accessible Word Document.

You can also use this form to update your details if you are already a member of WWDWA Inc

You can cancel your membership at any time by contacting WWDWA Inc

All information provided to WWDWA will be treated in the strictest confidence and will not be conveyed to any third party.  If you don’t wish to provide your details online download a copy of the form using the above link and email, fax or post it to us.

[contact-form to=”” subject=”Membership Application”][contact-field label=”Membership Category” type=”radio” options=”New Member,Current Member – update details,Associate Member”][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Contact Phone Number” type=”text”][contact-field label=”Postal Address” type=”text” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Suburb” type=”text” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Postcode” type=”text” required=”1″][contact-field label=”I would like to get information from WWDWA Inc (including newsletters) through” type=”radio” required=”1″ options=”Email,Post”][contact-field label=”Interests and Concerns (please tick or write in other suggestions)” type=”textarea”][contact-field label=”Women%26#039;s Health” type=”checkbox”][contact-field label=”Abuse and Neglect” type=”checkbox”][contact-field label=”Parenting and Pregnancy” type=”checkbox”][contact-field label=”Education and Employment” type=”checkbox”][contact-field label=”Sterilisation” type=”checkbox”][contact-field label=”Human and Legal Rights” type=”checkbox”][contact-field label=”Sexuality” type=”checkbox”][contact-field label=”Housing and Accommodation” type=”checkbox”][contact-field label=”Gender and Disability” type=”checkbox”][contact-field label=”Support Services and Equipment” type=”checkbox”][contact-field label=”Disability Support Pension and Income Support” type=”checkbox”][contact-field label=”Safety” type=”checkbox”][/contact-form]

There are two different kinds of membership of WWDWA Inc. These are:

Full Membership
This is open to women with disabilities who live in WA.

Associate Membership
This is open to women who live in WA and associations who support the work done by Women With Disabilities WA Inc.

Rights of Membership
(a) Full members have the right to vote at general meetings and can nominate to be on WWDWA Inc’s Management Committee.
(b) Associate members can attend general meetings, but can not vote. They can speak at a general meeting if the Chairperson gives them permission.

Privacy Policy – Women with Disabilities WA Inc respects the privacy of all information regarding our members, people who contact us, staff, donors and supporters, and the general public. We comply with the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 and its Principles.