WWDWA Inc Receives Community Inclusion and Participation Grant

WWDWA Inc is delighted to report that we were successful in receiving a grant through the Disability Services Commission’s Community Inclusion and Participation Grants Program. Women with Disabilities Making our Lives Count: Past, Present and Future, Subiaco, $35,770: Women with disability will tell their stories through a range of art forms, including writing, spoken word, pictures, visual arts and multimedia resources, with an art show held to share the stories with the community. Part of the grant will be used to make our resources and information more accessible via Easy English to women with intellectual disabilities and women with disabilities who have English as a second language.

We are very excited about these projects. Watch this space for more information!

A number of other excellent projects were funded, please click the link for more information.


People With Disabilities Australia Access to Voting Survey

PWDA Access to Voting Survey

Following the recent Federal Election, we want to hear from people with disability across Australia about your experience of voting.

People with disability have the right to accessible voting to ensure that OUR VOICE and OUR CHOICES are heard by government. Accessible voting requires polling places that are accessible, voting methods that are secret, and information about elections in accessible formats.

PWDA has put together this short survey so that YOU can tell us about your experience, positive or negative, of voting in the 2013 Federal Election. Access To Voting Survey

The survey will be open for 2 weeks until midnight Sunday 29 September.

Using the results of the survey we will write to the Australian Election Commission to tell them what they are doing well, what needs improvement, and to make recommendations about what should change. We will also write to the Election Commission in YOUR State or Territory to help them make local and State elections more accessible for people with disability.

Please pass on the survey to other people with disability and help us to reach 500 responses! People with disability have the right to full political participation, the more responses we get the louder your call for voting equality!

For more information about voting and elections or if you have any questions please contact Ngila Bevan ngilab@pwd.org.au or call 02 9370 3100