WWDWA Inc July Forum – Sunday 31 July

Women With Disabilities Telling Our Stories

Other people tell stories about women with disabilities. They aren’t always the stories we want other people to hear about our lives. What do you want to tell the world about yourself? How would you want to tell it?

We have funding from the Disability Services Commission to run a series of arts workshops and hold an arts show showcasing the creative talents of women with disabilities in WA.

If you are a woman with a disability come to WWDWA Inc’s July Monthly Forum and meet Arts Workshop Facilitator Jule Japhet Chiari to find out more information about WWDWA Inc’s Art Project.

Sunday 31 July
2-4 pm
Women’s Health and Family Services
227 Newcastle Street, Northbridge

RSVP for the forum by Monday 25 July to 9244 7463 or rayna@wwdwa.org.au, with any access or dietary requirements. Auslan interpreters will be provided on request.

WWDWA Inc’s Monthly Forums are for women with disabilities to meet other women with disabilities, share information and support and to find out more about services and supports that may be of use to them.

Women with physical, psychological, intellectual or sensory disabilities or chronical illnesses from all backgrounds are welcome.

You can contribute an already created piece to the project, writing, visual art, photography, film, song, dance.

Or learn new creative techniques in workshops run by Jule in,

Creative Writing
Visual Arts, Film and Multimedia
Movement and Dance
Voice (song or slam) and Drama (monologue or short play)

Contact Rayna on 9244 7463 or rayna@wwdwa.org.au to sign up to the workshops. Location and date will be confirmed with participants of each workshop.

Women With Disabilities WA Inc’s 2015 Annual General Meeting

Women With Disabilities WA Inc’s 2015 Annual General Meeting is on

Sunday, 29 November 2015 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm

At the Subiaco Arts Centre, 180 Hamersley Road, Subiaco

  • 2015 Annual General Meeting
  • Guest Speaker – Jane Akerman – Women’s Health Nurse
  • Afternoon tea

Everyone is welcome, WWDWA Inc members, friends, family, supporters of WWDWA Inc and the general public.
Auslan interpreters are available on request.
Venue is wheelchair accessible with ACROD parking and close to public transport.
Please RSVP to rayna@wwdwa.org.au or 9244 7463 by Monday 23 November.

Please note that the official part of the AGM will be voice recorded to assist with note taking.

AGM documents can be downloaded by clicking here

Special Members Meeting – March 2014

On Sunday 20 March, the first part of our forum will be a Special Members Meeting for a Special Resolution to make changes to WWDWA Inc’s Constitution.

WWDWA Inc members can download the documents for the meeting at the following links:

Meeting Agenda Accessible Word Document

Proposed Constitution Changes Accessible Word Document

Postal Voting Form Accessible Word Document

Proxy Voting Form Accessible Word Document

WWDWA Constitution Accessible Word Document
WWDWA Constitution

WWDWA Inc Annual General Meeting 2013


INCORPORATED ABN 88 362 290 308


Women With Disabilities WA Incorporated (the “Incorporated Association”)
gives notice that the 2013 Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday
24 November 2013, 2 pm, at the Subiaco Arts Centre, 180 Hamersley Road,

Date: 5 November
by order of the Committee

Rayna Lamb – Coordinator
on behalf of the WWDWA Inc Management Committee

All community members are welcome to attend the AGM, but only WWDWA Inc members – women with disabilities who live in West Australia – are eligible to be on the Manangement Committee and to vote in elections. Please go to our Publications page to download copies of our Management Committee Nomination and Proxy forms.

NATIONAL DISABILITY INSURANCE SCHEME (formerly disabilitycare Australia) Q & A Session

(formerly disabilitycare Australia)
Q & A Session

WA’s Individualised Services and
The Developmental Disability Council of WA
are pleased to invite you to join—

David Bowen, CEO and Bruce Bonehady, Chairman,
National Disability Insurance Scheme
for a light lunch and Q & A session about the scheme

Friday 27th September 2013

The Boulevard Centre, Lower Level, Cambridge Library Building
99 The Boulevard, Floreat
Lunch 12.30pm, Q & A Session 1.00—2.30pm

Online RSVP: or go to Developmental Disability Council WA website

Please advise of any dietary or access requirements

Information: mary.butterworth@ddc.org.au or
9420 7230 (exc Wednesday)

Help design a resource for choosing service providers

From WA Individualised Services (WAiS)

Join our World Café – Be part of an exciting NEW PROJECT

Are you or your family currently supported by an organisation?
Are you in the process of choosing a service provider?

WAiS is seeking people to help co-design a resource booklet that will assist individuals with disability and/or their family in choosing a service provider that is right for them.

When: 23 October 2013
Time: 10.30 am to 12.30 pm (including light refreshments)
Where: Room 7, Conference Room,
City West Lotteries House
2 Delhi Street West Perth

Be informed about services. Know your rights.

What do you want and need to know about service providers?
What questions do you need to ask about what they can offer you and your family?
What questions do you need to ask so you can make an informed choice?
What questions do you wish you had asked before starting with a service?
What questions would you advise others to ask?

RSVP: 9420 7252 or k.duff@waindividualisedservices.org.au by 7/10/2013. Please advise us of any requirements you may have to participate.