Introduction Session on Conducting a Radio Interview for People With Disability in Perth

·Have you ever been interviewed for television, radio, newspaper or other forms of media?

·Have you wondered how it works or wanted to do an interview yourself?

Come along for a short (3 hours) session on how to conduct a radio interview.

Topics discussed include


·How to form questions

·Tips for conducting an interview and much more.

When: *Friday 15th March from 1:30-4:45 pm *

Where: *Morley Training Centre*

*22 Russell St. Morley*

If after attending the session you are interested in gaining further radio experience, you should consider participating on EthnicAbility.

‘EthnicAbility’ is a radio program about disability and ethnicity, produced and presented by the Ethnic Disability Advocacy Centre (EDAC).

For further details and to RSVP, contact Zel on:

Mob: 0413 813 885


Looking forward to seeing you there!

Leadership Program for People With Disabilities

 Applications are now open for the last  intake of  the Leaders for Tomorrow Program.


Leaders for Tomorrow is an individual leadership development program which has been funded by the Australian Government Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs to develop the leadership capacity of people with disability.


The program is targeted at people who aspire to be leaders or further develop their current leadership capacity.  At the end of the program it is expected that participants will be more skilled, more confident and more active in leadership roles in business, community, government or their chosen area of interest.


Participants will have up to 12 months access to training, coaching, mentoring and other leadership development opportunities based on their individual needs.


People with a broad range of skill levels and leadership interests are encouraged to apply.   The program is committed to including a variety of participants reflecting the diversity of the Australian community.


The Leaders for Tomorrow program is delivered nationally by NSW Consumer Support and Training Project (Hunter TAFE) and E-QUAL (Enhancing Quality).


Visit for further information or an application form or call:


·       In NSW, ACT, Vic and Tas 1800 887 624 or,

·       In WA, SA, NT and Qld 1800 648 021.


Applications for this final intake commencing May 2013 close on 29th March 2013.