Mothers with disabilities – future plans

Thanks to the members who attended yesterday’s forum about parenting with a disability. We came up with a number of ideas to start developing support and resources for women with disabilities who are mums or who are looking to start a family. One of those ideas was to have a page on this website about parenting with a disability – Mothers with Disabilities. This page will contain information, resources and links that can assist and support mothers with disabilities in WA.

If you have had good experiences with services or resources that would be that would be useful to other mums with disabilities, or even just tips on things that have made your life easier, please contact us, or leave a comment on this post.

Creative Parenting With A Disability

Another great article on parenting with a disability.

This one gives lots of ideas on how to adapt your environment and work around physical issues to make sure your child gets what they need to be healthy and safe. If there is one thing living with a disability teaches you it is how to be creative.

What are some creative ways you have come up with to meet parenting challenges? Share them here, and give other mothers with disabilities ideas.